How to place the diving leads correctly?

Written by Yuliia Kliusa
01/23/2023 12:26:59 en Tips | 0 comments

Because the wetsuit and scuba equipment provides the diver with positive buoyancy, it is necessary to use weights to compensate for this difference, to be able to dive more easily and have more control underwater.

It is important to know how to distribute the weights well, since your position and comfort underwater depend on this.

1. Using a belt, where the weights should be evenly distributed, symmetrical to the other half of the body, and positioned comfortably without blocking the quick release buckle. If the belt is twisted or the weights have become trapped between the tank and the back, it can cause considerable discomfort when diving or walking with gear on. It can also cause lower back pain after finishing the dive.

2. The Vest with an integrated weight system. This system is somewhat more comfortable than the belt, since the weights are not placed on the waist, but rather in the special pockets of the vest, and in this case they will be placed only on the front part of the body. It is important that you distribute the weights with the same number of kilos in each pocket to achieve more stability underwater.

Both one way and the other are equally safe, since they allow ballast to be released easily and quickly in the event that it is necessary.

Remember, that the weight you carry can change according to factors such as: the diving suit (short suit, wet suit 3mm, 5mm, 7mm, semi-dry or dry suit), body weight, body height (muscle or fat), type bottle (aluminum or steel), waters where you are going to dive (sweet or salty) and even experience of the diver. It is important to take all of these factors into account when calculating the proper amount of weight for your dive and not over weight yourself.


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