diving courses

Learn about the PADI Certification Levels

What are Diving Courses?

Diving courses are educational programs aimed at teaching diving, where students acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills to be able to practice this activity safely, enjoying each dive of the course. In this section, we will explain how to differentiate the different courses and find the one that best suits you.

Types, levels and differences between diving courses

The world of diving is very wide and offers a wide variety of courses, which adapts to the needs, depending on the level of each diver. From the initial course to the most experienced divers, who are looking for new adventures. Among them, you can find different types of courses, which correspond to: Recreational, Technical, Professional, Apnea.

Recreational Diving

It is practiced with the aim of enjoying, having fun and having a good time! The same courses are already designed so that students can enjoy this sport from the beginning. In other words, learning in an easy, fun and at the same time effective way, complying with all the necessary rules that allow you to become a certified (Autonomous) diver who does not need to go down with a diving professional.

Also within its educational line it has a wide variety of courses, which allows you to learn more about diving and even be able to try and practice different types of immersion such as: Night Diving, Wreck Diving, Underwater Photography, Ice Diving, Identification of the Fishes and others.

Recreational diving is the most common among divers. It has a fairly wide age range and the basic requirements to be able to practice. And of course it has its limitations, the objective of which is to guarantee maximum safety in the water.

Recreational Diving Limits

The recreational diving limits are very clear and include the following factors:

1. Maximum depth. The maximum depth for recreational diving is40 meters / 130 feet deep. In addition, due to the greater risk associated with depth, it is advisable to take a specialty course "Deep Diving" that prepares you to manage extra risks.

2. Bottom time. The bottom time in recreational diving has to be within the limits of NO DECOMPRESSION. And what does it mean? Well, you can stay underwater for as long as your dive computer allows you, without having to make decompression stops before surfacing. That is to say, that you have all the freedom to go up to the surface at the time you need without having any risk of decompression sickness.

3. Surface light. In this section we refer to dead-end environments, where you can dive only in those spaces where light comes from the surface, and without exceeding a depth of 40m. For this type of dives it is advisable to have specialized training such as "Sunken Ships" or "Cave Diving" where you will learn everything you need to be able to carry out this type of dives with total safety.

Although sometimes we feel like going beyond the limits, it is very important to respect the diving rules in order to guarantee both your own safety and that of your partner!

Recreational diving courses

As we have already said, in recreational diving there is a wide variety of courses, starting from the initiation level and becoming a diving professional. So we are going to see each one of them, using the courses of the PADI organization, which today ranks first in the diving market internationally.

Discover Scuba Diver or Sea Baptism (DSD)

It is a perfect experience for those who want to learn to breathe underwater, experience the sensation of gravity, discover the seabed with their own eyes and have a good time in the fun company of their instructor. This activity is perfect to do alone, as a couple, as a family, with your friends or coworkers. In addition, it can serve as a good gift on any occasion.

The activity can be carried out in the pool or in the sea, from the coast or from a boat.

Before everything, a theoretical introduction is made, where the basic rules of diving and the operation of the autonomous equipment are explained. Once in the water, some basic and simple exercises are practiced briefly. Then, an underwater walk is made to a maximum depth of <strong>12 metres/40 feet</strong>, although in most cases it does not exceed 6 meters. It also depends on the legislation of each country.

What do you need to do Diving baptism?
  • Be at least 8 years old
  • Have good health
  • Feel comfortable in the water
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Scuba Diver (SD)

It is an intermediate course between Discover Scuba Diver and Open Water, which is designed for people who want to learn to dive, but do not have enough time to do a full Open Water Diver course. However, you can complete the Open Water course at another time, doing only the second missing part.

In the theoretical part only 3 of the first 5 chapters of the Open Water book are done. In the practical part, approximately half of the sessions in the pool and sea

Upon completion of the course, the certification is issued, which allows you to dive to a maximum depth of12 meters/ 40 feet. and you always have to be accompanied by a diving professional, who can be a Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Diving Instructor.

What do you need to do the Scuba Diver course?
  • Be at least 10 years old
  • Have good health
  • Feel comfortable in the water
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Open Water Diver and Junior Open Water Diver (OWD)

This is the complete course that makes you an autonomous diver. In other words, you can dive without the supervision of a Diving Professional. But you always have to be accompanied by a diver who may have the same certification as you or a higher level. With this qualification you can go down to 18 meters / 60 feet deep anywhere in the world.

In the theoretical part you will learn the basic principles of diving, which include sections on physics and physiology, equipment, dive planning and the environment. The theory can be done through independent study of the book, in the classroom of the dive center or online way. At the end of the theoretical part there is an exam.

In the practical part, 5 confined water sessions are carried out, which can be inside a swimming pool or the sea, where the conditions will be the same as a swimming pool. And 4 sessions in open water, where the exercises are repeated and a walk is taken.

Through some exercises that you will practice in confined water and open water, you will learn all the necessary skills to make your diving completely safe. You will learn to prevent and solve problems in the water, manage different situations together with your partner.

What do you need to do the Open Water Diver course?
  • Be at least 10 years old
  • Have good health
  • Feel comfortable in the water
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Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD)

The beauty of this course is that apart from learning more about diving and becoming an advanced diver, you can try different diving specialties such as: pecios, nocturna, bajo hielo, buceo desde el barco, nitrox, identificación de los peces, navegación, profunda, flotabilidad, corrientes, scooter, traje seco, buceo en altitud, administrador de oxígeno, especialista en equipo, multinivel, Sidemount o buceo de montaje lateral, fotografía submarina, video submarino, búsqueda y recuperación. ")

In the theoretical part you will learn the basic principles of diving, which include sections on physics and physiology, equipment, dive planning and the environment. The theory can be done through independent study of the book, in the classroom of the dive center or online way. At the end of the theoretical part there is an exam.

In the course, 5 dives are carried out, within which the experience of "Deep Diving" and "Underwater Navigation" are mandatory. Remaining 3 you can agree with the diving center, where you will take the course. Keep in mind that not all centers will be able to offer you all the available adventure dives, since it depends a lot on the geographical possibilities of the area. In any case, in the same diving center they can recommend the best that they can offer you and perhaps what suits you best according to your level of diving.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive the Advanced Diver certification, which allows you to dive anywhere in the world to a maximum depth of 30 meters.

What do you need to do the Advanced Open Water Diver course?
  • Be at least 12 years old
  • Title Open Water Diver / Junior Open Water Diver
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Rescue Diver

Without a doubt, it is a very useful course for divers, which provides the necessary knowledge for emergencies that may arise in the water. By having these knowledge you will feel safer and more confident as a diver.

You will learn self-rescue techniques, equipment and emergency management, recognition and management of stress in divers, search techniques, rescue of divers in panic and unconscious divers.

In the practical part, simulations of real emergency situations are carried out. And it is where you will practice the rescue exercises, which will help you respond correctly in certain situations. To be able to take this course you need to be an advanced diver and have the course Emergency First Response or first aid performed within the past year. You can hire this course at the same diving center and you can even do it together with the Rescue Diver course. In many places they offer both together for a cheaper price.

What do you need to do the Rescue Diver course?
  • Be at least 12 years old
  • Adventure Diver / Junior Adventure Diver (or qualification certification) with full underwater navigation immersion;
  • EFR primary and secondary care training (or qualified training) within 24 months
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Emergency First Response (EFR)

This course is part of the requirement for the Rescue Diver course.

Whose objective is to generate confidence in non-professional rescuers and to increase their willingness to respond to a medical emergency. Course participants learn easy-to-follow steps for emergency care and practice applying skills in a stress-free learning environment. All courses are backed by self-study materials and quick reference tables to enhance learning and allow you to start learning right away.

You will learn primary and secondary care techniques, shock prevention and treatment, BLS (Basic Life Support), rescue breathing, CPR, use of the DEA, use of first aid equipment, management of spinal injuries, etc.

What do you need to do the Emergency First Response (EFR) course?
  • want to help others
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If you have a love for the underwater world and like the idea of working in diving, this course would be your first step towards a professional career.

Through the knowledge development sessions, exercises, underwater workshops and the practical evaluation that this course has, you will become a Dive Leader.

You will be the right hand of your Instructor. You will learn to guide divers, carry out baptisms or DSD independently, help in the organizational and logistical part of the diving center.

This course teaches more than just diving! In addition to developing new skills both in and out of the water, you will spend the day surrounded by fun people willing to share with you their new experiences full of unforgettable emotions.

What do you need to do the Divemaster course?
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a minimum of 40 logged dives
  • Have completed the Rescue Diver course
  • Have completed the EFR within the last 24 months
  • A medical statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months.
  • A minimum of 60 logged dives at the end of the course.
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Open Water Scuba Instructor (IDC)

This course is what finally makes you a Diving Professional with the right to give courses and be able to certify the student with your name and Instructor number. It opens the door to the world of diving work, which allows you to enjoy your passion while getting paid for it. You can explore different parts of the world, meet people, practice languages and of course discover new underwater places while you are working. What sounds good?

You will learn self-rescue techniques, equipment and emergency management, recognition and management of stress in divers, search techniques, rescue of divers in panic and unconscious divers.

And your professional career does not end here, with experience and a desire to learn you can obtain the following Instructor levels: Specialty Instructor, Master Scuba Diver Trainer, IDC Staff Instructor, Master Instructor and finally Course Director, which is the highest level in the entire PADI professional career.

What do you need to do the Diving Instructor course?
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have at least 60 logged dives and 100 dives to attend an IE.
  • Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months.
  • A medical statement signed by a doctor within the last 12 months
  • You also need to be an Emergency First Response Instructor, but you can earn this level during your instructor training.
Where can I do my Diving Instructor course?
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technical diving

It is a very different dive from recreational diving, since the dives tend to be deeper (from 40 meters / 130 feet), and therefore they are almost always decompression dives. In decompression stops, technical divers use alternate gases, which reduce the stop time. They also have a lot of extra equipment, such as double cylinders at the same time as one, cylinders with another gas mixture to make the decompression stop, 2 regulators, 2 masks, 2 flashlights. All this makes your dive safer even if there is something unforeseen. Equipment setup and dive planning are also different from recreational diving. So we already see that this type of diving requires the experience, equipment and adequate preparation of the diver.

Being a technical diver, you can explore the same places as a recreational diver and also, deeper places with other types of life, wrecks such as sunken ships from the Second World War that you have always dreamed of knowing and even some caves that called your attention so much.

Technical Diving Courses in Spain
Tossa de Mar (Girona) The Horseshoe (Grenada) Menorca (Balearic Islands) Puerto del Carmen (Las Palmas) Barcelona, Lloret de Mar (Girona)
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