
Extended Range XR NITROX


Calle Toscon 7 local 6, Puerto del Carmen



Are you looking to extend your range? Do you want to stay down there a little longer and do it safely?

That deep blue has you amazed and you want to stay a little longer?

This XR Nitrox program provides you with the knowledge and experience necessary to independently plan and conduct limited decompression dives of up to 15 minutes to a maximum depth of 40 meters, using nitrox mixes up to 50%.

SSI Extended Range courses represent a bridge between Recreational Diving and Technical Diving.

Furthermore, these courses are designed to give you the opportunity as a recreational diver to introduce yourself to the exciting world of Extended Range diving without having to dramatically change your current diving philosophy.

This “XR entry-level program” introduces you to the techniques and skills of Extended Range training, and can be done using a standard single-tank rig setup, with your own recreational gear.

And also, it is the gateway to technical courses, which if you like, then you can continue advancing.

Consequently, the XR Nitrox course is a great program where you will learn to plan your decompression dives, and you will be able to enjoy the “little bit more” down there.

Administrative requirements XR Nitrox course
18 years
Nitrox specialty course 40%
Deep specialty course -Deep Diver
Minimum of 24 logged dives
Bring read and studied the entire theory program -> It will not be possible to take part of the course if this requirement has not been met, losing the right to return the reservation.
XR Nitrox course duration
The course lasts 4 full days. We always reserve a fifth day in case you have to make up an exam or repeat a dive.

The number of classes, schedules and sessions per day are established by the Instructor himself, depending on the needs and capacity of the students and the water conditions.

XR Nitrox course program

Day 1: Review Theory, V-Planner and Diving equipment assembly workshop. Final exam

Day 2: Confined Water Dive in a heated indoor pool (minimum 2 hours) and 1 dive with decompression drills (from shore).

Day 3: Two real decompression dives with GASDECO EAN 32% (from boat)

Day 4: Two dives with real decompressions with GASDECO EAN 50% (from boat). Delivery of Titles and Diplomas.

Student manual in digital format with integrated videos.
Bottles of air, gases and leads.
Gift T-shirt

Not included
Candidate's Dive Team
Medical certificate.
Accommodation in case you need it.

Maximum 2 students per course


You have to know

Certification SSI
Level Initiation
Previous experience 40% Nitrox specialty course, Specialty course
Age + 18
Max deep 0 meters
Format face-to-face

595.00 EUR

Price per person

* The center will reply to you as soon as possible..

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meeting point


Calle Toscon 7 local 6, Puerto del Carmen , ESP


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