


Avda. Catalunya, 84, Tossa de Mar



Finding the way is not a matter of luck! When everyone else is whizzing over the reef or examining a sunken ship, they're having a great time – until it's time to go. Then they notice you, because as a PADI Underwater Navigator, you know the way back to the boat.
Learn the use of an underwater compass in the PADI Underwater Navigation course.

what will you learn

Underwater navigation can be challenging, however with the PADI Underwater Navigation specialty course you will master that challenge. You will learn the necessary tools, including natural navigation with references and with a compass.
You'll learn:

Navigation layouts.
Natural navigation (without compass).
Compass navigation.
How to “mark” or relocate a submerged object or position it from the surface.
Raise an underwater map.
How to follow irregular trajectories with the Nav-Finder.
Relocation of a dive site.
How to calculate distances underwater.


  • Shore Dives
  • Processing of the Certification
  • Certified Trainer

You have to know

Certification PADI
Level Initiation
Previous experience
Age + 0
Max deep 0 meters
Format face-to-face

180.00 EUR

Price per person

* The center will reply to you as soon as possible..

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meeting point


Avda. Catalunya, 84, Tossa de Mar, ESP


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