saint anna

Tossa de Mar, Girona, SPAIN

Level 2 - Advanced

  • Boat
  • Saltwater
  • deep

It is an Advanced level dive, since you can reach 33 m. deep. For the rest it is quite easy, since it has only one large Rock and two small ones in front. Easy to orientate. It is easy to get to Santa Anna leaving by boat from the Mar Menuda and with a 5-minute trip. As in all boat trips, it is highly recommended to follow the anchor line when descending to reach the correct area of the dive. The route cannot be missed, it consists of going around the great rock at low, medium and high depths to end up coming out again from the end of the ship.

Marine life
moon fish
big lobsters
swiss cow
white gorgonian
Sea hares (Aplysia depilans)
rock octopus.
Miriam García

published by

See other dives of Miriam

Immersion has been carried out with DreamDive



Feedback from our users.
Marc 30 November 2021

It looks pretty and quite alive. Thanks for sharing :-)

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