


Assalah beach, Dahab, Sinai del Sur, Dahab



You will learn to improve your technique to begin reaching new depths as well as evolve in your awareness of your body's behavior.

We will talk about free fall in freediving and the different levels of lung capacity and how they work. You will gain a deeper understanding of what we call the dive reflex, learn advanced compensation techniques, and experience new depths calmly and safely.

We will also learn in depth a new discipline: static apnea. We will study the different phases that our psyche goes through when we hold our breath and how to act in each of them with the aim of lengthening our apnea times.


  • Theoretical Module
  • Open Water Module
  • Shore Dives
  • Processing of the Certification
  • Teaching materials
  • Necessary equipment during the activity
  • Transfer from the center to the dive site
  • Specific material during the activity
  • theoretical explanation
  • Certified Trainer
  • Diploma

You have to know

Certification OTHERS
Level Initiation
Previous experience FREEDIVER COURSE
Age + 15
Max deep 0 meters
dives 3
Format face-to-face

320.00 EUR

Price per person

* The center will reply to you as soon as possible..

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meeting point


Assalah beach, Dahab, Sinai del Sur, Dahab, EGY


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