
advanced diver


Doctor Fleming, 16, San Antonio



The PADI Advance Open Water Diver diving course consists of 5 specialty dives (2 compulsory and 3 free choice), before making the dives we will give you the access codes to the PADI online platform, and you must read the section corresponding on the platform and fill in the knowledge review for each end of the section (1hr per section), of these 5 specialty dives, the 2 mandatory are deep and navigation, and the remaining free choice that our instructors strongly recommend are these:

Buoyancy control (important to optimize your air resources and avoid accidents due to loss of buoyancy)

Search and retrieval (closely related to navigation)

Multilevel with computer or another of your free choice, which you will consult with our Instructors.

Once we give you the access codes, we plan your course, doing the easiest and shallowest dives on the first day such as: Navigation and buoyancy control, and the next morning deep and those of free choice.

what will you learn

The knowledge and techniques that you will acquire in the Advanced Open Water Diver course vary according to the interest you have and the adventures you have, but include

Practical aspects of deep diving
Physiological effects of deep diving.
More ways to use your underwater compass.
How to navigate using fin strokes, visual references and time.
How to best use your dive computer and the electronic Recreational Dive Planner TM (ePIRTM).
And much, much more, depending on the Adventure Dives you choose.
Specialty dives are listed below:

Deep Diving specialty dive: You will descend to a depth greater than 18 mt, and with a maximum limit of 30 mt, we will teach you deep diving techniques, both ascent and descent, so that you can enjoy your dives in complete safety along with that you will learn new concepts about diving to these depths.

Buoyancy mastery specialty dive: You will master buoyancy, which is synonymous with diving comfortably and with less air consumption, as you will learn buoyancy techniques that will be very useful in all your dives

Search and Recovery Specialty Dive: You will learn the types of search and recovery along with their potential dangers, you will plan search and recovery dives and develop Recovery procedures.

Specialty Dive in Navigation: You will learn the use of the compass and how to orient yourself underwater, we will teach you distance estimation techniques and the use of underwater paths, together with you will learn to use the nav finder to follow irregular trajectories.

Fish Identification Immersion: You will identify the local fauna and you will be able to distinguish their habitats and behavior, you will learn what the AWARE Project is and we will teach you Identification strategies.

Immersion from Boat: Practically all of them include this because you will dive from our boat, but you will learn nautical terminology, procedures, safety equipment and boarding procedures.

Multilevel and Computer Immersion: You will carry out a fully planned staggered immersion with the instructor, you will use the computer to be able to record your descent and ascent for later treatment and you will learn to plan a multilevel immersion. You will learn promotion procedures.

Specialty night dive: You will dive in the vicinity of twilight with the need to use a flashlight, you will observe that the environment is the same, but the reaction of the fauna is different, we will also observe different species that you would not see during the day. We will teach you how to plan Night Dives, use night diving equipment and techniques to overcome stress in night diving.

Specialty dive in a sunken ship: You will dive in a wreck and you will be able to observe the biotope created by it, where a diverse fauna lives in it, we will teach you wreck diving techniques, where certain rules are necessary to take into account to be able to dive in a safe way.


  • Processing of the Certification
  • Necessary equipment during the activity
  • Certified Trainer
  • Online Teaching Material

You have to know

Certification PADI
Level Initiation
Previous experience Open Water Diver
Age + 15
Max deep 30 meters
dives 5
Format face-to-face

399.00 EUR

Price per person

* The center will reply to you as soon as possible..

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meeting point


Doctor Fleming, 16, San Antonio, ESP


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